FC Barcelona: Laporta: “Playing the big clubs between us will always get tiring”

John Laporta recognizes, in an interview granted to the project Sonorathat the formula of the Super League, with the great clubs of Europe regularly facing each other, would end up tiring the fans.

The president of Barcelonain addition, shows his concern about the damage that this competition could cause to the national leagues, endorsing (paradoxically) the arguments of the critics with this tournament, which Barcelona still champions together with Real Madrid and Juventus.

Laporta: “Playing the big clubs between us will always tire you”

In the talk, held on March 30 this year, the Barça president did not avoid the matter and showed his opinion, also contrary to the lack of meritocracy of the project presented, widely criticized by all sectors. “I have entered the Super League as a representative of Bara with everything already quite advanced. My criteria was, leave you with a closed league, we have to make an open Super League, that there is meritocracy. And another thing that we have to combine, the Super League with the leagues of each country. For me that is very important. I believe in the leagues of each country and for me it would be a mistake for the Super League to replace the leagues“.

The Barça president goes further when it comes to assessing what the deterioration of national competitions could mean. “I think that playing the big clubs between us will always tire you. will end up getting tired. Those of us who like football will end up getting tired of it. It’s nice and healthy that a smaller team beats the big one. Going with the weak is very nice. You find that a European Championship is won by Greece and it’s very nice. And when Leicester won in England it was special. This is football.”

I think that playing the big clubs between us will always tire you. She will get tired. Those of us who like football will end up getting tired of it. It’s nice and healthy that a smaller team beats the big one

Joan Laporta. President of Barcelona

Insisting on the importance of national competitions, Laporta defends, however, the competition that only Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Juve keep alive. He has in mind “a Super League that will be an improved Champions League. With a very good competition format, it will surely be the most attractive competition in the world. But at the same time you have to be skillful to maintain the state leagues, this is essential,” he assured the president, who considers that the future of this project depends on an understanding between all the parties.


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