Do you want to be the Sports Association of the Year 2022? Badminton Denmark 1218w, 250w, 700w, 768w, 120w" sizes="(max-width: 1218px) 100vw, 1218px"/>DIF

October 27, 2022 11:14
Written by Ronni Burkal Elkjær

Nominate your local sports association no later than November 8, and then they will be in the competition to become Sports Association of the Year. The winner will be chosen on 7 January.

It is now possible to nominate associations for the award ‘Danish Games and DIF’s Sports Association of the Year 2022’, where the winner will receive DKK 100,000.

You can nominate yourself, but you can also get members to do so – or parents of members. Get them to tell you about all the good initiatives you work with and how you contribute to the local community.

It is possible to nominate until 8 November, after which three associations will proceed to a vote. The winner of the award will be revealed in connection with the big Sport 2022 show, which will be held in Jyske Bank Boxen and shown on DR1 on 7 January.

You can nominate here, where you can also see all the associations that have already been nominated:

Tags: Pris
Category: Front page, Inspiration, News, Prices


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