Disgusting act in Třebíč! A fan threw a firecracker directly at a player, who fell to the ground – Sport.cz

  1. Disgusting act in Třebíč! A fan threw a firecracker directly at the player, who fell to the ground Sport.cz
  2. The joy of the Třebíč hockey players’ victory over Přerov was spoiled by the explosion of a firecracker iDNES.cz
  3. Crazy incident in Třebíč: A hockey player was hit by a firecracker. Kotel surprised Soka with a reaction | Flash sport iSport.cz
  4. Incident at a hockey game in Třebíč: a spectator threw a cannon ball at a Přerov player, injuring him Třebíč daily
  5. Relief. Macuh should not have hearing damage after being hit by a cannonball Hokej.cz
  6. See everything about this topic in the Google News app


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