Despite the entry ban: Novak Djokovic wants to play at the Australian Open

Despite the entry ban: Novak Djokovic wants to play at the Australian Open

Updated on 10/12/2022 1:26 PM

  • Despite the entry ban, tennis pro Novak Djokovic wants to take part in the Australian Open next January.
  • In January of this year, the 35-year-old had to leave Australia after entering Australia because he was not vaccinated against COVID-19.
  • Now he should clarify the situation with the government, as the tournament boss announced.

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Tennis-Star Novak Djokovic wants to play at the Australian Open in January next year despite the entry ban. This was announced by tournament director Craig Tiley on Wednesday. It is up to the Serbs themselves to clarify “the situation” with the government.

Djokovic, who was not vaccinated against COVID-19, had to leave Australia after entering the Australian Open in January this year after a legal dispute. He was also given a three-year entry ban for the country.

He spoke to the 35-year-old at the Laver Cup about the situation, Tiley told The Age newspaper: “He said that of course he would like to come back to Australia, but he knows that the decision ultimately rests with the federal government. ” The longtime number one in the world rankings “accepted this point of view”.

Criticism of possible special treatment for Djokovic from Australian opposition politician

Criticism of possible special treatment for the nine-time tournament winner comes from opposition politician Karen Andrews, who was Djokovic’s interior minister at the time of his deportation. “It would be a slap in the face to the people of Australia if Novak Djokovic was suddenly allowed back into the country just because he’s a top-ranked tennis player,” Andrews told ABC radio.

In addition to the Australian Open, Djokovic also missed the US Open in August this year because he was not allowed to enter the USA without being vaccinated. The Australian Open, the first Grand Slam tournament of the year, will take place in Melbourne from January 16th to 29th. (dpa/pak)

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Novak Djokovic has successfully beaten back the Australian rebellion at his Wimbledon lawn empire. The Serbian serial winner triumphed over Nick Kyrgios in the final and thus for the fourth time in a row at the All England Club. The outstanding Djokovic won the match 4: 6, 6: 3, 6: 4, 7: 6 and thus successfully defended his title.


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