Deportivo Cali: President Mena talks about the possible sale of the club, Teófilo’s future and more | Colombian Soccer | Betplay League

Deportivo Cali: President Mena talks about the possible sale of the club, Teófilo’s future and more |  Colombian Soccer |  Betplay League

The news of Deportivo Cali, which picks up in this closing of the Betplay League at the hands of Jorge Luis Pinto, takes place on a day-to-day basis but with a permanent projection into the future.

President Luis Mena speaks of that planning, of the much-mentioned future of the referent Teófilo Gutiérrez and of a sporting and economic crisis that harasses him in a chat with Sport without hesitation in Cali.

“Two presidents of clubs, from Nacional and La Equidad, expressed their solidarity with Deportivo Cali to tell me that they did not want such a great team to fall, those words give strength and encouragement. I know that I am not welcome among former presidents of the club because sometimes I speak as a fan and the words make me uncomfortable. I wish we could all unite for the good of football, but sometimes we hit hard on those who are in bad shape. We are going to move this forward”, said the manager.

Economic situation
I’m on it, trying to get funding and we’re close. He does not mention it because sometimes something happens, there are three debts and with the usury rate it is costing us 110 percent more, the debt doubled, getting 1,050 million a month to pay that interest is very difficult.

Club purchase offer
Regarding the Mexican investors, it is a decision that has to go to the assembly, the statutes have to be modified because if they want to buy 50 percent of the club and want two seats on the executive committee, it has to be there.

Stadium name change
I approached an important firm in Central America to offer that the firm could bear its name in 5 or 10 years, I offer the fences and poles, the parking lots for a brand display, I sent a brochure. They tell me that their presence is not that great but that exposure could help and it will be decided at the next meeting, it is a company with an important presence.

The Teofilo Gutierrez case
There have been a lot of accounts, that the Union, that if he returns to Junior, but he tells me that he is happy in Cali, giving his best, he tells me that there is no friction with Professor Pinto. He is an important reference for our quarry, more so if we are going to stay 70-30. He stays for me, the one who defines is him. I congratulated him publicly and personally for the gallant and noble gesture with Vuletich, the day of the penalty against Águilas it was a nice gesture to give him the ball.

possible reinforcements
Professor Pinto declared two reinforcements by name, he knows that we are playing 70-30 and that is why he has not decided who is leaving and who is staying, he is looking at what we have in the club and those who are on loan. Whatever he tells me after the last home game, we’ll see what’s going to be done and start talking to the appropriate people. They are wrong if they believe that it rains money, whoever comes will feel the weight of the shirt, he will come to run to suffer to contribute.

possible outputs
The payroll must be reduced, we have reduced expenses by almost 60 million pesos and we have not touched the payroll, but it must be reduced, we cannot have a payroll of more than 3,000 million, we must do the club good. We have very good players in Colombian national teams, players who are excelling and are on loan but paid by us so they can gain experience. There are up to four players for whom offers have come for loans of $300,000 and an option for two years, but we cannot loan them out because of the projection they have, we cannot risk that if they leave the road could be damaged, here is Dr. Portela It cares for and protects them and we have no guarantee that they will be cared for the same outside.


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