Crazy or smart investment? Seven-year rookie deal in Buffalo

Buffalo caused quite a shock in the hockey world yesterday. Information about the signing of Mattias Samuelsson flew through social networks like a bolt from the blue. There would be nothing strange about that. However, the length and amount of the contract is striking!

The 22-year-old defender played in only 54 games in the NHL, and received twelve assists in them. Last season he was the fourth most used back, so he obviously has his place in the team.

He’s entering the final year of his rookie deal this year, and Buffalo moved pretty darn fast. After the season, it could be arbitration or a classic scramble for every dollar. But the Sabers prevented that, because they offered Samuelsson a more than decent contract.

Seven years, $4.29 million a year. A giant contract indeed for someone who has yet to play a full season in the league.

“Mattias is the type of guy we want here,” general manager Kevyn Adams said in a statement. “He’s a great booth guy, he’s doing well on the ice and he’s only going to get better. For how well-built he is, he’s got it right. We look at it as an investment for the future. Sometimes you just have to make that decision.”

Adams’ explanation sounds logical. If Samuelsson continues his career progression like he has so far, the contract will be one of the best in the league. And if not? Well, there’s always the option of an exchange.

“It was an easy decision for me,” Samuelsson himself said of the signing. “I want to stay here for the long term. When they also mentioned that they would like a long contract, it took a while and we agreed. It was an easy negotiation, both sides wanted the same thing.’

In addition to the signing of Samuelsson, there was also another extension of cooperation in Buffalo. Head coach Don Granato was also rewarded with a long-term contract.

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