Covid Ragusa, contagions decrease again | Giarratana is covid free

Slight drop in covid infections in the Province of Ragusa, today, October 16, 2022 the current positives are 662 (-24).

The positives in home isolation are 654 (yesterday they were 678).

The total number of deaths remains stable: 624.

This is the situation in the Municipalities: Acate 18, Chiaramonte Gulfi 13, Comiso 48, Ispica 58, Modica 205, Monterosso Almo 3, Pozzallo 44, Ragusa 154, Santa Croce Camerina 9, Scicli 40, Vittoria 62. Giarratana is once again covid free.

The hospitalized are 8; here’s how they are distributed:

– 4 are at Giovanni Paolo II in Ragusa (one is still in intensive care);

– 2 are located at the Maggiore “Nino Baglieri” in Modica;

– 2 at the “Guzzardi” in Vittoria.


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