Change of cards in the Portugalete

Murgoitio and Álvaro Iglesias. / CLUB PORTUGAL

Third Federation

The jarrillera entity terminates Murgoitio’s contract to sign Álvaro Iglesias, a striker from Zamudio

It is not usual, but Portugalete has decided to make a move in the middle of the season. Edu Ubis’s injury and Berly Matansio’s two-game ban have created the need for a striker in the ranks. The chosen one was Álvaro Iglesias, a 24-year-old striker from Galdaka who until now played for Zamudio in the División de Honor. In that lowest step he has scored two of the four goals recorded by the team led by Ibon Etxebarrieta so far.

However, his signing entailed releasing a senior record, as he was a footballer over 23 years of age. In this case, the victim has been Mikel Murgoitio. The winger was not counting in Patxi Salinas’s plans. He accumulated just thirty minutes of play among the three times he has come off the bench this season. Therefore, the club has informed him of the intention to leave him and he has seen it with good eyes to have a greater participation in another team. Everything has been settled with a termination by mutual agreement.


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