Castet: a day to learn about Olympic sports

This event aims to raise public awareness of the disciplines present at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

Free initiations

The community of communes of the Ossau valley (CCVO) is one of the sites labeled “Terre de Jeux 2024”, because it largely contributes to the promotion and development of sports in the valley. Also the natural space of the lake of Castet, which is frequented by many families, proved to be the essential place to offer them the possibility of learning for free the various disciplines presented that day: climbing, mountain biking, horse riding, kayaking boarder cross, health paddle (aboard a very large canoe), archery…

The editorial staff advises you

This time was also an opportunity for François Meyzenc, president of CDOS 64, to honor the local athletes present: Elodie Di Marco (judo), Laura Vignot (athletics), Eric Deguil (extreme kayaking), Roméo Poles ( climbing difficulty) and Guillaume Larbeyou (MTB enduro).

Medals for athletes

Representatives of sports associations, which contribute greatly to the promotion of sports practice for all, were also warmly thanked for their commitment: Pierre Cayuela (Archers Oloron Club), Fabienne Augareils and Jean-Louis Baudéant (horse riding), Denis Badie (Palois University Club), Jean-Luc Saint-Germain (Ufolep64).

On this occasion, local elected officials Laure Laborde, departmental councillor, Jean-Paul Casaubon, president of the CCVO, and Cathy Gantch-Laune, mayor of Castet, presented these athletes with medals specially made by students from the vocational school. of art of Coarraze.

After the speeches and thanks, the space was given over to the public to learn about the different sports.


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