Carolina Marín stays at the gates of the final in Canada – More Sport

Spanish badminton player Carolina Marín has fallen this morning in the semifinals of the canada openin the Super100 category and which is played in the town of Calgary, against the player from Chinese Taipei Sung Shuo Yun (9-21, 21-15 y 21-19).

The woman from Huelva, current European champion and top seed in the tournament, started strong, achieving an income of eight points that allowed him to close the first quarter with solvency. However, the Taiwanese responded forcefully to balance the contest.

Equality was the dominant trend of the third and final set, who reached the final stage with a tie at 18. It was then that Sung Shuo Yun dealt the final blow to the Spanish and guaranteed victory and passage to the final.

In this way, Marín, six-time continental champion, remains at the gates of his second final of a year in which he has reappeared after his serious knee injury, which left him unable to defend his Olympic title at the Tokyo Games.


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