Boris Becker in prison for six months: That’s how he feels


Boris Becker in prison for six months: That’s how he feels

Boris Becker: His career and his greatest successes

Boris Becker- His career and his greatest successes

He is one of the best tennis players and was the first German to win the Wimbledon tournament: Boris Becker. How he became a tennis icon:

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Boris Becker is waiting in prison for his release. He finds his way around quite well in everyday prison life – and yet causes trouble.

London/Berlin. From his beloved London, where Boris Becker lived until his imprisonment, it is almost 80 minutes by car. Northwest of the British capital, in the county of Oxfordshire, lies Huntercombe Prison behind a barbed wire barrier. There is the earlier one Tennisheld locked up – waiting for the day when the gate finally opens.

The 54-year-old has been in the jail. At the end of April he was two years and six months old for delaying bankruptcy Had To be sentenced. It was the biggest defeat of his life, which was characterized by ups and downs. In the meantime it has become quiet about the ex-Wimbledon winner. How is he actually?

Asked at Christian-Oliver Moser in Berlin, Becker’s longtime lawyer. His client is in Huntercombe housed in a solitary cell, “under the circumstances he is doing well there”. 480 men are serving time there, according to the detention center their relatively short sentences: It’s foreigners like Becker who have to serve between three and 30 months. More on the case:Boris Becker faces deportation from England after prison

Boris Becker works in prison as an assistant teacher

So Becker doesn’t come into contact with murderers, rapists and kidnappers in Huntercombe. The inmates should continue their education, for example they can take painting courses or be trained as bricklayers.

Apparently, Becker gets involved in the community and has secured a comparatively easy task for himself: like the British newspaper “Sun” from the prison has experienced, the German works as a assistant teacherhe is supposed to explain the positive effects of physical exercise and healthy eating to his fellow inmates in physical education class. Read here:Boris Becker in court: Everyone else should be to blame

Which really pisses off other inmates. “Normally, you would have to be here for years to get a job as a teaching assistant,” laments one inmate, according to The Sun. “But Becker received it after just a few weeks.” Some relatives of prisoners had already written to each other about the als preferential treatment perceived action complained. However, the prison authorities make it clear: “It is not correct that there was any form of preferential treatment.”

Boris Becker: Hope for release

Come celebrities to prison, they are in a special situation there. On the one hand, they are expected to behave like any other prisoner. On the other hand, they can never feel unobserved. Football official Uli Hoeneß (70) found out when he was due to tax evasion was imprisoned in the millions. Prisoners tried to take pictures of me with “smuggled cell phones in order to then sell them for a lot of money,” said Hoeneß after his release.


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