Bleus, disaster announced without Varane?

Raphaël Varane is recovering from a sprained ankle and should be there for the World Cup. If this were not the case, the concern would be for a tricolor defense which does not reassure.

This Sunday, Raphaël Varane seriously worried his team of Manchester United, but also the staff of the France team. Forced to limp out in the fortieth minute of the match between his Manchester United team and their neighbor City (6-3), the tricolor defender looked gray. Fortunately, the doctors’ diagnosis was limited to a simple sprain of the left ankle. Reassuring before the World Cup, but not enough to alleviate all concerns.

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For Sébastien Tarrago, the absence of Raphaël Varane at the 2022 World Cup would be neither more nor less than a disaster for the France team. The journalist from The Team gave his opinion on the possibility of such a scenario. ” Raphaël Varane’s only problem is the recurrence of injuries. So there it is not serious, but if Raphaël Varane is not there (at the World), there is reason to be very very worried. It is absolutely necessary that Varane is there and that he is not injured at the World Cup. »

capital presence

According to the journalist, the tricolor defense therefore absolutely needs the services and experience of the 2018 world champion to hold on throughout the competition. Even if he admits that the recent performances of Raphaël Varane have not really reassured him, he very much prefers to see him at the Qatari World Cup. The event will begin on November 22 for the Blues, against Australia.


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