Blénod-les-Toul. Martine Balaud successfully selected for the French archery championships

Martine Balaud, a very young retiree, has been practicing compound archery for twenty-one years. A devouring passion, it doesn’t matter if there is a podium or not, as long as she experiences a pleasure that has never left her, except for a slump, due to health problems. She hung on, managed to leave her anxieties behind. Her form returned, she participated in all the championships and competitions and the icing on the cake, she managed to be selected for the French championship, specialty, archery “Beursault”, (king’s shooting) in seniors 3, after unavoidable trials. To be more competitive, she invests in a new bow, lighter, but with three kilos at arm’s length, it takes extreme concentration not to tremble. Martine has just returned from the competition which took place in Gagny (Paris region), without a podium this time, but with an honorable seventh place in her category. She will resume bi-weekly training, still coached by her husband Yves, uncompromising, but who knows how to pull her from the top, when a bad patch occurs. And get ready for a next challenge!


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