Baseball U23, at the Torneo Fontana Piacenza loses to Senago and wins with Brescia

Piacenza opens the “Robert Fontana” Under 23 Tournament with a defeat at Senago (3-1), but redeems itself well at De Benedetti against Brescia (11-1) and the door to the semifinal is kept open. The home matches against Seveso and Ares Milano on Sunday 23 will be decisive.

In the debut match of the tournament the red and white find a tough nut to crack like Senago but in the end they hold their own and can only recite the mea culpa for the six mistakes that essentially determine the defeat, beyond the merits of the Lombards. Piacenza, reinforced by U23 of Codogno and Crocetta, takes the lead in the 2nd minute with a textbook sequence: Gerardi gets the base, steals the second and Chacon and takes him to the point with a single. Everything seems easy but at 3 ‘an uncompleted double play starts the recovery of the hosts who, thanks to three other mistakes, overtake (2-1). From there to the end Senago will score another point at 5 ‘with Piacenza unable to replicate in the batting box. Only two in total the red and white hits that are not enough to recover a passive that is anything but insurmountable. In short, lights and shadows against an opponent who will certainly make his way into the tournament.

PIACENZA 0-1-0-0-0-0-0 1 SENAGO 0-0-2-0-1-0-X 3

Formation: Chacon ss, Nani 2b/lan, Minoia ec, Segreto ric, Speziali 1b/2b, Pancini dh/3b, Gerardi es, Scrivani (Molina) ed, Casana 3b (Calderon 1b). Pitchers: Gamblers (rl3 bv2 bb3 k3 pgl1), Billiards (rl2 bv2 bb2 k4 pgl1), Dwarves (rl1 bv0 bb2 k3 pgl0).

The day after at De Benedetti for Brescia there is no escape and Piacenza wins at 6 ‘for evident superiority (11-1). D’Auria’s team remains constantly in the lead from the first inning and spreads in the 5 ‘when on 3-1 he scores another 6 points with Brescia in obvious difficulty (4 bases granted, one hit and three valid ones including Molina’s double) . An early end and Piacenza back on track after having chewed bitter in Senago. Good signs from the encouraging beginnings of the young U15s Mariano Riviera and Pietro Mandas. In the other match of the group Ares wins 15-4 in Seveso and for Piacenza the semifinal, the prerogative of the first two, is still possible. On the return to the field on Sunday 23 it will be necessary to win both matches scheduled at De Benedetti against Seveso and Ares.

BRESCIA 0-0-0-1-0-0 1 PIACENZA 1-0-2-0-6-2 11

Formation: Nani 2b, Casana 3b, Minoia ec (Calderon ph), Chacon ss, Gibson ric (Pancini), Speziali 1b, Riviera es, Scrivani ed (Molina ph), Mandas dh. Pitchers: Dall’Agnese (rl3 bv1 bb0 k6 pgl0), Carnevale (rl1 bv0 bb1 k2 pgl0), Sanna L. (rl2 bv1 bb0 k3 pgl0).


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