Baldini: “We won’t be able to bring the week’s work to the field, tomorrow space for young people”

Below is the press conference of Mr. Baldini on the eve of LR Vicenza – Virtus Verona:

We meet again after a complicated game, it is a particular moment, a start of this type was not expected.

“Exactly, especially after a very important fortnight. At the moment we are unable to transport what we do during the week onto the field on Sunday. The boys are really strong during the week. Nobody could have foreseen a match like this because there was no warning whatsoever. “

Yesterday in Padua the problems of Vicenza were reviewed, they risked heavily for a series of counter-attacks.

“A team that is waiting for you and playing on their strength puts you in difficulty, this does not mean that we must lose our balance. It is a question of space occupation and how we do the two phases. We must be a proactive team, but we must also know that there is a phase of non-possession that must be done with the utmost determination and nastiness. We have lacked all of this. A teammate must call the other if he sees a free player, the communication must be better. It is not a problem of form and number, but a question of space occupation and determination. What emerged from the last game is that it seemed like the others had more. We need to bring back what we do during the week. What could fool us right now is the frenzy of having to make the result at all costs. I coached Trapani. We were last and the Spice penultimate or vice versa. On the sixth day of the championship there is Spezia-Trapani and Spezia loses the fourth match in six days. At the end of the game, people wanted to lynch the manager and the manager. We know very well how that season ended. From this I want to say that I understand that you want to win immediately, but if this message passes through the kids’ heads, they struggle, it would be too heavy a baggage for them. After the first mistake on the pitch, panic cannot subside. “

As for the strength of the bench, how does it feel?

“I know very well that every coach is linked to results. At the moment I think about working, with my staff I work a lot, even 20 hours a day. I am calm. “

What is your analysis of why we do better at home? Why did Jimenez take a back seat?

“Jimenez had a sprained ankle and had a few days of difficulty. He has never been excluded. The trust I have in Jimenez never changes, he is a talent to be cultivated as are the other young people. Tomorrow we will not have Ierardi who stopped, Pasini and Cappelletti we will evaluate but it is very difficult. On the analysis of home matches and away matches I do not agree very much. Even at home in the first 10/15 minutes we struggled, we must always be able to unlock it first. What emerges is that when the team has maximum confidence they can do well. “

The team is doing well in training and does not perform in the game, but the difference is seen in the game. What’s still missing?

“I would not want the baggage that the boys bring into the field to be a symptom of difficulties, which disappear when things go well. If things go wrong, the luggage becomes even heavier; it’s up to me to find the right key. In these fifteen days we had done a certain path but we did not expect the performance that has been there, this means that we have to find another key to understanding. “

How is Cappelletti? The others?

“Cappelletti has managed to make perhaps two appearances in the last few months. It was 10/12 days that he was training well and last week, suddenly during a workout, he had this pain under his foot. He reaffirms himself by losing the condition of the previous days. These days he has done a specific therapy, yesterday we tried to put him in training and today we see how he is. Ierardi will not be there because he has a knee problem due to the synthetic, Pasini has a viral form and Bellich is disqualified for two days. “

In the past you said that certain modules help more to occupy the spaces in a certain way.

“If there are any ways I can help these guys, I will definitely put them on the pitch, without presumption. Having said that, I go back to saying that it is not a question of module but of occupying the spaces and doing two phases well. If I attack and my two half wings line up with the attackers and my two outside ones are high, it is logical that if I lose the ball I will take restarts. These are the things we need to think about and that I have to make the boys understand. If Ronaldo has the ball in the middle of the field and we are all crushed on an attacking line and there is not a good disposition in the field, if Ronaldo misses a ball it is mathematical that the defenders take a board. What doesn’t happen during the week happens on Sunday; this may be too high a willingness to score because we want to win games. These are all things on which we must find balance because you can also score goals by attacking in two and not in six. “


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