Bad luck for Alexis Saelemaekers: Red Devil gets injured at AC Milan and threatens to miss the World Cup

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Alexis Saelemaekers may not be able to attend the upcoming World Cup in Qatar. The Red Devil started on Saturday at AC Milan in the match at Empoli, but after half an hour the winger had to be changed. According to the Walloon journalist Sacha Tavolieri, Saelemaekers sprained his knee.

Sam Varewyck, Jürgen Geril

According to the same message from Tavolieri, who has his info from Italian colleague Daniele Longo, Saelemaekers would be out between six and eight weeks. Further tests will follow on Monday. So the question is whether Anderlecht’s youth product will be fit in time to go to the World Cup. That starts on Sunday 20 November, today exactly in seven weeks. The Red Devils will play for the first time on Wednesday 23 November: the Belgians will then play against Canada.


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