Archery Cup concludes in Tlaxcala

When awarding the prizes to the winners of the Archery World Cup Tlaxcala 2022, the governor of the entity, Lorena Cuéllar, thanked the participation and behavior of the citizens for the success of the event.

The state president witnessed this Sunday the last competition of the cup, in the category of men’s recurve bow, of which the Korean Kim Woojin, with gold, was the winner; the Spanish Miguel Alvariño García and the Turkish Mete Gazoz, with silver and bronze, respectively.

Cuéllar commented that, after the success obtained by the organization of the Archery World Cup, there is the possibility for the entity to host other events that help the economy and tourism, aspects that have a direct impact on the well-being of the population.

The award ceremony was given by the general director of the National Commission for Physical Culture and Sports (Conade), Ana Gabriela Guevara.


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