125 dead in riots after soccer game in Indonesia

Dhe authorities in Indonesia have corrected the death toll after the violent riots at the soccer game in the city of Malang to 125 – after speaking of 174 deaths a few hours earlier. “Some names were recorded twice because they were transferred to another hospital and rewritten there,” Emil Dardak, deputy governor of Indonesia’s East Java province, told Metro TV on Sunday. 124 of 125 fatalities have now been identified. In the morning, Dardak announced that 174 people had died in the accident at the Malang football stadium.

34 people died on the field of Kanjuruhan Stadium, all others in hospitals, local police chief Nico Afinta said, according to radio station Elshinta and broadcaster tvOne. Two police officers were among the dead, the Indonesian police said. Initially, the number of dead was given as even higher due to double counting.

A local health worker told The Guardian newspaper that people had died as a result of chaos, overcrowding, trampling and lack of oxygen. In addition, 180 people were injured. The police used tear gas to disperse the rampaging spectators, Afinta said at an impromptu press conference on Sunday. The riots broke out after the first division game between Arema FC and Persebaya FC. After the 3-2 defeat, thousands of spectators stormed the pitch.

3000 people stormed the square

The tragedy in Malang is one of the worst sports stadium disasters in the world. The Kanjuruhan Stadium holds a total of 42,000 spectators and was sold out according to the authorities. According to the police, 3,000 people stormed the square. “We would like to point out that not everyone was anarchic, there were only about 3000 who entered the field,” said Afinta.

The human rights organization Amnesty International is calling for an investigation into the use of tear gas by the police. “We must ensure that such a heartbreaking tragedy never happens again,” Amnesty International’s Usman Hamid said in a statement. Tear gas should never be used in a confined space. Criticism of the police reaction to the riots was also voiced on social media.


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