11 Best Baseball Games You Must Play

Baseball. It’s “America’s past time”, but don’t get me wrong, it’s played all over the world. Video games are also more than happy to show off the wonder and thrill of baseball, and here are 11 titles that show it off beautifully.

#11 Baseball Riot

Usually, a riot happening in baseball is a bad thing because it means the benches have cleared, hands are up, and so on. The players might like it, the same with the fans, but the higher-ups? Not really.

In GAME Baseball Riot you will be a retired baseball player who has to go after a bunch of annoying fans, corrupt officials and bad people in general because they captured your old team and you have to free them!

Use your bat and your baseball and go through more than 100 levels to recover your team!

#10 MLB Home Run Derby VR

It’s not at all surprising that there are virtual reality baseball games. After all, many fans wish they could “feel” like they were in the stadiums while watching the games, or of course, being themselves in the games.

Now MLB Home Run Derby VR will help you have that when you throw home runs one after another. You’ll be able to see yourself at all 30 different MLB parks, then perfect your swing over time to score high with your home runs.

Plus, you can go online and battle other players in home run competitions and more!

#9 Baseball out of the park 23

Out of the Park Baseball 23 is arguably one of the most in-depth baseball games ever made. In fact, it’s so deep that they had to add a really in-depth tutorial to help you understand everything that’s going on there.

Why is that? Because as they note, “If it happens in baseball, it happens here!” By that, they mean that you don’t just play baseball games, or even manage them, you do EVERYTHING to try to create the best baseball team possible and win with them. Find new players, recruit them to your team, place them in the perfect spots on the roster, then go win!

Try the game for yourself and see if you can form an all-star team.

#8 Spiritueux Pro Yakyuu

It’s okay if you’ve never heard of Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2019 before, it’s actually a Japanese baseball game which is honestly very popular in the land of the rising sun. The series as a whole has been around for a while, they even had a mobile game that got over 20 million downloads!

The point here is that if you’re a fan of the Japanese baseball league, this is the game that lets you be a part of it in a way that will make you feel like you’re there while having fun baseball. classic. . Doesn’t that sound good?

Yes, this game was released in 2015, but you can still get it on Steam if you want. Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings may not look like many other baseball games on this list due to its cartoonish appearance, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play it. The game is a game that not only appeals to baseball fans, but also those who think such games “take time to master”.

The title offers a “smooth learning curve” so you can jump right in and improve as you feel the flow of things. Something many games can learn from.

Moreover, you can play with friends and enjoy together.

#6 Super Mega Baseball 2

If you want the depth of the last game, but with slightly better visuals to make you feel “more like a real baseball player”, then Super Mega Baseball 2 is the one you want. The game received an upgrade in the visual department, but made sure that many of its best features were still intact for players to enjoy.

There is a mode for everyone in this game, including those who want to beat the competition in online play. You can do 1v1 matches, or even team up with a friend to go 2v2 on people. The choice is yours, so play the game how you want to play it!

#5 Base-ball RBI 20

If these “simulation titles” are a bit too much for you, RBI Baseball 20 might be able to help. This series focused more on the “arcade feel” of a sports title and tried to make it something everyone could “pick up and play”.

This means that no matter your skill level, you’ll be able to control fighters, throwers, and defenders throughout the game with simple yet intuitive controls to ensure you get the moves you wanted.

You can play with friends and have fun without having to “know all the ins and outs” to win. It’s just a fun baseball game.

#4 Super Mega Baseball 3

We’ve already shown you a few Super Mega Baseball titles, so why not show you one more? Super Mega Baseball 3 promises to be the best of the bunch, as it adapts its gameplay to be more in-depth, but also more inclusive.

How? Well, sometimes sports games can be a bit overwhelming with all you have to do to win a single game. So Super Mega Baseball 3 lets you lower the difficulty so you can build slowly over time.

This also goes for franchise mode, as you’ll be able to help a team grow and evolve over seasons instead of just one.

#3 Sports Wii

Wii Sports - New rendering

Wii Sports was never meant to be the most complex video game ever, but it definitely has the distinction of being one of the easiest to pick up, play, and have fun with friends. . Including having fun on the baseball field.

In fact, the game will allow you to play this game in two different ways, as a pitcher and as a hitter. You’ll have to handle the Wiimote carefully, very carefully, to make sure you get the right pitch, or the right swing of the bat to land a home run.

Add that to the other four games you can play on it? You will have fun for a while.

# 2 Mario Superstar Baseball

Are you biased here? Yes, yes we are! But Mario Superstar Baseball is still one of the best baseball games ever made because quite simply… it’s a Mario baseball game, and it’s REALLY good!

You will be able to create your own team full of Mario characters and then go all out as you play the game. Each character has their own base skills that you will need to manage to win each game.

There’s a fun story-type game where you’ll recruit other characters to be part of your team so you can defeat Bowser’s team, and there’s of course a multiplayer mode you can do, as well as several mini – games you can play with friends too!

Yes, it’s on Gamecube, but life finds a way to play baseball!

#1 MLB La Series Show

Every major sport has this “one game” that is dedicated to being their “must play title”. Madden NFL, NBA 2K and for MLB it would be MLB The Show.

Because with each title releasing with each new season, the game tries to deliver the most in-depth baseball experience possible. All while trying to help you FEEL like it’s really you on the pitch with your favorite teams and players.

The game is constantly improving and the current version continues to bring new events to coincide with the current baseball season!

So get in the game and put on a show!


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