You will receive National Archery UP

The start of a new semester in all the country’s universities also provides a golden opportunity for all the institutions that have sports programs, since the national competitions will start soon with thousands of student-athletes waiting for their opportunity to demonstrate their talent.
One of the most important events that student sports has is the CONADEIP that year after year serves as a demanding blank for athletes from all over the country. This 2022 will be the first national archery event in the history of the discipline and it has been announced that the official venue of the competition will be nothing more and nothing less than the UP Bonaterra de Aguascalientes.
This is a big step for the Aquicalidense institution that has first-class facilities that will be preparing to receive this national from September 30 to October 2 with the best goalkeepers in Mexico. This tournament will mark a before and after in the history of private sports, which is why UP Bonaterra will write history by serving as the organizer of this first experience in this discipline; It will prepare itself during the following weeks in every way to finalize details that allow it to receive this great competition.
Meanwhile, in more news from the UP, Brenda González de Alba traveled to Italy to participate in an international archery tournament, continuing with the good news that the university has regarding this sport.


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