‘You should have done that right’

Andy van der Meijde can do little with the anonymous statements of the former players of the Ajax Women about Marc Overmars. It feels for the analyst of Veronica Offside like mustard after a meal and, moreover, Van der Meijde wants to know the facts now and then.

“They are now coming forward anonymously. Everyone can say anonymously: he has done this and this to me’, is the judgment of the former Ajax player. ‘Then be a woman and say: That is so, he did that to me. Then you don’t have to start whining afterwards. I think you should have done that right. It just keeps going, leave that man alone.’

“You don’t even know if it’s real. Maybe it’s a made-up story,” he continues. ‘I don’t say it right, but do it right. Then what should he do? Life goes on, no matter how hard it sounds. Should he go to jail then? Let’s wait for something to be known first and then pass judgment on it. Not now. We can start accusing him, but you don’t know, do you?’

Sneijder stays on the plain

Wesley Sneijder is also present in the broadcast and is somewhat less vocal about the new situation. ‘It’s difficult, because we don’t know the facts. If it happened, it’s terrible. That is not possible. It is forbidden territory and you keep your claws off it’, he sounds.

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