when Di Maria is surprised at the replacement of Milik

Angel Di Maria exchanges with Arkadiusz Milik. Prime Video / Tuttosport.

The Argentinian and the Pole were filmed discussing the choices of Massimiliano Allegri after the defeat against Benfica Lisbon (1-2).

It’s a pretty original scene. At the end of the Champions League meeting between Juventus Turin and Benfica Lisbon, lost by the Bianconeri (1-2), Angel Di Maria, who came into play, and Arkadiusz Milik, who came out during the match, were filmed in full talk. An exchange that caused a lot of ink to flow on the other side of the Alps. In the pictures, as shown Tuttosport which takes pictures of Prime Video, the Argentinian seems to express his amazement at Massimiliano Allegri’s decision to replace his teammate. Misunderstanding visibly shared by the ex-Marseillais, in great shape at the start of the season and whose face says it all.

Massimiliano Allegri (already) weakened?

This exchange demonstrates that Massimiliano Allegri’s choices are misunderstood, even contested, internally. Which does not help his position, he who is already weakened by the poor results in Turin since the start of the season. Because with this second defeat in a row in the Champions League, the Old Lady is now six points behind the first two in Group H, Paris SG and Benfica Lisbon. In Serie A, the situation of the Piedmontese club is also worrying: after six days, it is in 8th place in the standings four units from the podium, its objective.

However, the Italian technician wanted to be reassuring this Wednesday evening: “You have to shut up and work. I had never lost two games in a row in the Champions League and this is something that is not acceptable for Juventus, but I do not feel in danger. In football, these kinds of moments happen. Now is not the time to worry, you have to think about working”, did he declare. However, the performance of his team as well as his choices will be watched closely in the coming weeks.


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