Video: Luís Figu plays football in zero gravity six kilometers high

Portuguese football legend Luís Figu, together with several other people, have achieved a new Guinness World Record by playing a game at a height of more than six kilometers.

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In the event organized by “Mastercard” in the second half of August, Figu took part in a football game “four against four”. The match took place on a specially constructed 75 square meter field in an airplane that alternated up and down the trajectory, simulating weightlessness, or the effect of zero gravity. The difficult conditions did not prevent Figo from scoring with an acrobatic shot.

The Fig team won the game 2-1, but football fans from Europe, Latin America and the Middle East were still on the plane. The event will be recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the “Highest Parabolic Flight Match”.


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