Three question marks in the form of an injury that Girona Basketball must resolve soon

In three weeks and a few days of tipping, Básquet Girona will inaugurate the most exciting season in its still short history. On September 28, he makes his debut in the ACB, receiving Real Madrid in Fontajau, in a high-voltage match that will serve to start the course. Before that, however, there is work to do and a lot of it, on the track and also in the offices. Aíto García Reneses and his coaching staff have only been working for four short days to try to fit their project into the squad, while the dressing room is still not complete. A few signings have arrived and the exit door has also opened, but there are still questions that can determine the present and immediate future of the team. Physical problems are to blame. Injuries that can be crucial to complete sports planning, all depending on your diagnosis and estimated time off.

It is here that up to three proper names appear. The first is that of James Sorolla. The pivot, who was already part of the squad that won promotion last season, renewed his association and was part of Aíto’s plans. On Saturday he hurt his left foot during the preparation duel against the youth a Olot. Yesterday he underwent the relevant tests and, still without a definitive verdict, the first impressions were not entirely optimistic. You have to wait, therefore, to know what it has. Whether or not it’s serious. And above all, how long it takes to recover.

Another protagonist. Patrick Garino is one of the additions announced during these last weeks, but it didn’t set foot until Sunday Girona. He was concentrated with the Argentine selection with the aim of playing qualifying matches for the world next year andAmericup of selections Plans that have been cut short. The first scans show a grade I muscle injury in the biceps femoris. He could no longer face the selection of Bahamas and the international tournament is also lost. He was traveling to put himself in the hands of the Girona Basketball medical team. It’s time to test him again and confirm the diagnosis. See what the condition of the muscle is and how long it will be without playing. In November 2019 he had to undergo knee surgery and in 2021, when he was playing Zalgiri, a few months after another intervention, he also had to press the brake pedal. The most recent setback was suffered in Nanterre French, with physical problems that ended up leading to the termination of his contract. Doubts about its current state are also growing. Find out where it is and when it will be available.

The third leg is Pierre Oriole. The club has been behind him for some time. There has been an agreement with the player for some time and the obstacle was for him to leave Barça, which has finally happened. When everything seemed settled, another headache would arrive. The first medical scans would have detected an injury to the ex-Blaugrana’s back and now he is waiting for more tests to have a clear assessment of the situation. The signing, sung until recently, is now up in the air.

So what now? Medical evaluations are decisive for now. It is important to know whether or not you can definitely count on Oriola. If he can play, he will be signed and join the team. If not, another interior piece will be sought. But in the painting you also have to see what happens to Sorolla, injured. It will all depend on what the scope is and if it can reappear soon or if it will have to wait. Garino is added to all this. Is it a simple mishap or do you have to suffer from something more serious? Will his injury history continue to affect him or can he breathe easy? There is work to be done, but answers are needed to do it first.


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