the two options still available to Miralem Pjanic

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“Xavi has always been a model midfielder for me. I followed him with admiration. He is one of the best of all time. Working with him is very special. “When the former legend arrived on the Barça bench, Miralem Pjanic had found a smile away from Catalonia, since he was playing at Besiktas. After twenty matches played on the banks of the Bosphorus and 4 assists, including 2 in the Champions League, the 32-year-old Bosnian international midfielder (107 caps/18 goals) hoped to be able to gain playing time with Xavi.

But the strong competition in his position (Gavi, Pedri, De jong and especially Busquets) thwarted his plans. This is the reason why he tried to find a way out for a new loan, he who remains under contract until June 2024 with the Blaugrana club. Pjanic hoped for a good European Big 5 club and even dreamed of returning to France. According to our information, the midfielder was offered to OM, OL but especially in Nice with whom informal discussions have been established.

A possibility to evolve in the Middle East…

In the end, nothing changed for Pjanic who returned to Barcelona and who was also on the bench against Sevilla FC. Still, the situation is difficult for a player who still wants to play at the highest level. But most of the championships are now closed and he can only target the championships that are still open.

If it seems unlikely that he will return to Turkey, the former Lyonnais no longer has a choice. Either he decides to join a club in the Middle East (the Al-Nassr club coached by Rudi Garcia has been mentioned in these columns as well as Qatar SC), or he still stays until the next winter transfer window and tries to grab playing time here or there…


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