The LEB Oro templates, practically closed – Basketball Zone

With the LEB Oro teams in full preseason and already playing their first games, several of them are looking to close the free chips they have, while others are anxiously waiting to overcome the bureaucratic procedures for their players to arrive, as is the case of Hoover (Iraurgi ), Blaylock (FLBA) or Thompson (Melilla).

With a very good rhythm and leaving good impressions are teams like Andorra or Estudiantes. The subscription campaigns are also underway, so now “the only thing left” is to close the templates. Many teams that cannot economically go out on the market with force wait for this moment to find a white blackbird, and they always like that they have experience in Spanish leagues. In fact, there are several players, few nationals that are, who are still free after having played the LEB Oro 21/22.

The three big favorites (Movistar Estudiantes, MoraBanc Andorra and Hereda San Pablo Burgos) have already posted, in principle, the closed squad poster, in the absence of a player like Marjanović (Miraflores). Leyma Coruña has also confirmed its good squad, in the absence of knowing those linked to the EBA.

With the closed squad there are also UEMC Real Valladolid Baloncesto, TAU Castelló, HLA Alicante (cleared up the last unknown with the announcement of the departure of the historic Llompart) and Guuk Gipuzkoa Basket (incorporated the experienced Jakštas while Carlson recovers). To majors, Melilla Sport Capital CMB, with the transfer of Guillem Ferrando, one of the U22 to monitor this course, and Bueno Arenas Albacete Basket, with the arrival of Clark, seem to have completed their templates for now.

In addition, there are two teams that, a priori, closed their squads this week: Juaristi ISB and BarValencia CB Almansa with Afanion. The Basque team is only waiting for Hoover to arrive, since just two days ago he announced the ‘five’ that will accompany Gielen, the chosen one being the rookie Khadim Sy, whose profile we approach you in one of our scoutings of the NCAA-DI. For his part, Almansa, who was looking for a 2-3 with points, opted for a player of those qualities such as Lamar Morgan, included in our scouting of the Portuguese LPB.

The teams with positions to fill

We start with the promoted. At Club Ourense Baloncesto, after the signatures of Williams and Gjuroski, they are on the hunt for a physical ‘five’ that is important in the competition, but with the handicap that the non-community chips are occupied by the aforementioned Williams and by the Argentine Chapero , who comes from being champion of the AmeriCup. For its part, in Grupo Alega Cantabria CBT, which has formed a good block, its coach David Mangas had already said that he wanted to see the first 2-3 weeks of preseason to know where to reinforce the team; pending what happens with the Sierra problems, they could be forced to go to market.

In Cáceres, a World Heritage Site, with a strong bet on the perimeter for the Baltic countries with Vecvagars and Jarumbaskas, plus the renovation of Toledo and three point guards on the squad, it seems that there will not be any more perimeter players at the moment. In the ‘five’ Noah Starkey trains, although the entity from Cáceres continues to value other names; in fact, The newspaper of Extremadura He was talking about the team’s alleged interest in Ukrainian international Skapintsev.

At Zunder Palencia, Rivero is still assessing the caliber of his squad; and it is that in the ‘three’ he only has Kamba and in the ‘five’, Chema González, after yesterday’s separation from the rookie Bourama Sidibe. The group from Palencia has also announced this week the renewal until October 30 of the 3-4 Arsone Mendy, who was on trial, and is actively looking for the long-awaited ‘five’, with the two extra-community cards already occupied.

Alimerka Oviedo Baloncesto was quick to have the team already in the first week of preseason, as Poch wanted to create unity from the first moment. The reality of the market in a modest project is that it is difficult to find the ‘five’ substitute for Arteaga, and several options that existed have fallen, as the coach himself declared to local radio.

Perhaps the most worrying case is the ICG Força Lleida, where it seems that the sports management wants to bet on the same idea as last summer, when a week after the start of the league there were no five, Cleare and Badji finally arriving. It will be necessary to see if Gerard Finds will work the miracle again, but its few members right now are joined by the loss of Michael Carrera, playing in Venezuela and with different administrative problems with the federation. The coach from Lleida pointed out in an interview to News LEB Gold that an exterior was missing; It could have been Agustín Ubal, according to various reports, but the young Uruguayan will continue in ACB (on loan from Barça in Bilbao). The other two remaining unfilled spots would be inside, looking for a “Badji-style” pivot (athletic, rim protector and with a game above the rim) and a Carrera substitute (a 4.5 who can alternate the two positions).

This is how things stand, except for last minute surprises, with several teams looking to close gaps for another exciting and competitive edition of the LEB Oro.


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