The event “A month long event” presented at the Palazzetto dello Sport in Martina Franca


Donato Pentassuglia: “I address special thanks to all the managers, technicians and athletes for the spirit of profound self-denial”

It will be a September dedicated to Judo.

It was presented at a press conference at Sports Hall of Martina Franca,

A month long event “, the initiative that will involve the judokas from all over Italy organized from Fijilkam-, the ASD Gym and Uisp Sport for all and with the support of the Puglia Region and the Municipality of Martina Franca.

A full calendar of appointments with internships, trophies, guided tours, events for the dissemination of sports, promotion of sports activities through a month of open days in the Polisportiva Arci Marci and ASD gym facilities, enhancement of typical local products.

Start on September 2nd with it stage di judo. The trainings, which will also continue on 3 and 4 September, are aimed at sportsmen and technicians belonging to the Italian companies affiliated with Fijlkam Judo Sector and to EPS affiliated with Fijlkam-Coni from all over Italy and are carried out by international masters such as Sugol Uarte (Spain), vice world champion and semi-finalist at the London 2012 Olympics, Denid Viera (Moldova), champion of Europe, multiple medal at the World Championships, Rosalba Forciniti (Italy) vice champion of Europe 2010 and Olympic medal at the London 2012 Olympics e Francesco Faraldo (Italy), member of the Italian Judo National Team, GS Fiamme Azzurre technician and Pluricampione d’Italia.

Friday 9 September, at 5.00 pm, in the Council Chamber of the Doge’s Palace the conference will take place “Living the place as a cure: the gym / city” in which, with special guests, the theme of obesity will be addressed in terms of prevention and treatment. To discuss it with Andrea Imeronipedagogist – motor activity expert and president of walkable cities, will be the Regional Councilor, Donato PentassugliaMayor, Gianfranco Palmisanothe Councilor for Sport of the Municipality of Martina Franca, Vincenzo Angelini.

At the center of the event calendar there is, of course, the Italy Beginners Trophy “B” (Saturday 17th September), a competition that brings together the male athletes of the highest national level of the Beginners class who, for the whole day, will alternate on the tatamis set up at the PalaWojtjla. Sunday 18th September it will be the turn of the women’s classes where the competing judoka will compete for the prestigious Trophy. In the afternoon of Sunday 18 Septemberin addition, there will be the competition dedicated to the pre-competitive class of the “Beginners-A”, where the young judoka competing will compete for the XXVIII edition of the Mister Judo Puglia Trophy.

In addition, on the days of the races it will be possible to carry out guided tours free in the Doge’s Palace and in the historic center of Martina by the Ecomuseo della Valle d’Itria association ed excursions in the “Bosco delle Pianelle” Regional Reserve managed by the Serapia Cooperative.

Throughout the month of September it will also be possible to participate in the initiative “Try sport “ in the structures of the Polisportiva Arci Martina and the asd gymnasium.

“An intense month, therefore, to get to know the discipline of judo up close, one of the most complete and widespread in the panorama of world sport” they declared Lorenzo Micolipresident of La Palestra asd e Nicola RinaldiVice President of Fijilkam Puglia.

The vice president of the Puglia Region and the regional councilor for sport expressed great appreciation for the event, Raffaele Piemontesewho stated: “We wanted to recognize the“ Trofeo Italia Judo ”as a great sporting event because we know how much attention it has managed to mobilize. The objectives for which the Puglia Region has increased its investments in sport tenfold in the last seven years are two: a return in terms of health and on the social and economic costs related to health, the ability of sport to generate economy, create jobs and outlets for many specialized skills that are being formed, as well as attracting to destinations of excellence such as Martina Franca. We are sure that both of these objectives will be achieved by the “Trofeo Italia Judo” and my wish is that it will be an experience that will leave a positive trace in all those who participate or attend the competitions ”.

Thanks came from the regional councilor Donato Pentassuglia:I extend a special thanks to all the managers, technicians and athletes for the spirit of profound self-denial, the passion and professionalism with which they have organized this prestigious event this year as well ”.

Words of esteem also from the Mayor of the city of Martina Franca, Gianfranco Palmisanoand by the Councilor for Sport, Vincenzo Angelini: “In consideration of the importance that sport plays in the formation of the individual, as a municipal administration we have among the priorities of our agenda the strengthening of sports facilities and spaces that favor the practice of any sport. In addition, sport is an effective vehicle for promoting the area and this is also why we support this trophy. Martinese sport has recently been experiencing an excellent moment. The brilliant results in various sports disciplines achieved by martinese athletes and this important judo event, give prestige to our city, give us joy and make us proud “.

For all the info

[Fonte e foto in evidenza da Asc Martina Franca]


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