Sports Festival in Boissey-le-Châtel: a blow (almost) in the water for this year

Visitors were able to obtain information and register at the various stands. ©Le Courrier de l’Eure

With very rainy morning weather, the Sports Festival this Saturday, September 10 at the Colette Besson gymnasium was very disrupted and all the demonstrations planned outside were canceled. Some clubs concerned have even canceled their visit.

15 clubs present

Geoffrey Goethals, president of the WHO, organizer of the event for several years, repatriated some of those present in the gymnasium where the rest of the day was spent in the dry.

Finally, about fifteen clubs and sports associations received visitors, who also came in fewer numbers than usual. Those present went to see the stands distributed in the gymnasium to ask for information, a registration form or try the practice with the supervisors present. “Boissey Ping” did some pong, badminton flew some shuttlecocks and Yoga initiated some relaxation movements. Fencing was also part of the game with equipment that, at the end of the sending, touched the attention. And the roller skated on the wave with its simulation socks and board.

The Judo section of the ASBR offered demonstrations to attract new members, the lessons taking place partly in Boissey, for lack of a gymnasium in Bosroumois. The basketball section was there too. One could also find, for example, the archery of Thuit Signol and “Tic Tac” and its activities of Bosrobert.

ASBR Judo Demonstration
The ASBR Judo gave demonstrations. ©Le Courrier de l’Eure

There are so many association forums, it’s complicated for the dates and the public.

Geoffrey Goethals President of the WHO

Geoffrey Goethals deplores “the lack of involvement” of the Roumois Seine community of municipalities in this event “which requires financial and human resources. Also, there are so many association forums, it’s complicated for the dates and the public”. He would like consultation to take place “to have only one large forum, circulating each year in the municipalities, like this one, at the very beginning of September so as not to have any competition that is harmful to attendance and organization “.

The Boissey firefighters were present there too to recruit volunteers. The fires of recent months have mobilized all staff for entire days and the lack of personnel has made itself felt. If you are in good physical condition, between 18 and 50 years old, you can join the ranks to intervene and help their relief actions for people. Contact at

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