Sportinstuif Foundation 55 + starts again

DEVENTER – Stichting Sportinstuif 55+ in Deventer will start again in the new season and has room for new athletes. On Monday and Wednesday mornings you can exercise in the sports hall in Schalkhaar (Garderegimentsweg 23). Sports activities are from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Stichting Sportinstuif 55+ is a group of approximately 120 athletes who regularly attend one or both sports mornings. The youngest participant is 55 years old and the oldest 90: about 50% women and 50% men. In addition to Deventer, the participants come from Twello, Olst, Diepenveen, Schalkhaar, Lettele, Bathmen and Epse.

That is how it works
It starts with a warm-up of half an hour. Then follow various exercises, such as walking, jogging and muscle and stretching exercises, all to everyone’s own possibilities and own pace. After the warm-up, everyone will practice their own favorite sport: table tennis, badminton, volleyball or dynamic tennis. Everything is done under the supervision of experienced and competent sports instructors. In between there is an opportunity for a cup of coffee or tea and a chat; after all, the social aspect is also very important.

New participants
Bert Garst and Mayke Scholten, both 68 years old, live in the Pentagon in Deventer. For many years they exercised in a gym. After the corona period, they happened to see the folder of the 55+ Foundation somewhere and thought: ‘that seems just right for us’. In contrast to the gym, the Sportinstuif 55+ seemed less individualistic to them. Various ball games are practiced and the social element appealed to them. “We both find it very pleasant that we always start with a warm-up under expert guidance. The warm-up is different every time and therefore very varied. All muscles get a turn and the great thing is that you can participate according to your own abilities and possibilities.”

Join us too
In short, the following applies to everyone aged 55 and older: become fitter, feel comfortable and stay healthy for longer at the Stichting Sportinstuif 55+. You pay €3 each time you participate; there is no membership. It is not necessary to unsubscribe and if you do not come or go on a (long) holiday, you pay nothing.
For more information: look at www.sportinstuif-55plus or call 06-53182362 (Otto van Huffelen) or just come and have a look or test run on a Monday or Wednesday.


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