Sport in Terni, it’s up to pickleball: a mix between tennis and padel. Open day at the ‘cupola’

A sort of middle ground between tennis, badminton and padel. Certainly a sporting practice that involves the use of rackets: it is called pickleball and is arriving at the ‘dome’ of via Croce thanks to the initiative of the Terni pickleball club and Csen. Organized the open day between Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 September.

The rules

What is it about

Very simple rules. Ball, rackets and small badminton court, with the possibility of playing in pairs or in pairs and ball that can bounce – remaining in the playing area – once per side. What are the main differences with padel? The smallest court and the lightest ball. In Italy this sporting specialty has not been present for long, far from it: it only made its way between 2017 and 2017 with the foundation of the AIP, the Italian Pickleball Association based in the Pescara area. A sport with rackets «that combines elements of tennis, table tennis and badminton», we read in the ‘official’ regulation. The event at the ‘cupola’ will start at 4 pm. The club and the provincial committee of Csen “invite everyone to participate in the presentation of this new discipline: those present will be able to try the game”.


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