Sinner and Musetti advance to the third round. Nothing to do for Fabio Fognini.

NEW YORKLorenzo Musetti it imposes itself on the Dutch Brouwer in four sets for 3-1 (6-7, 6-3, 6-4, 6-2) and accesses for the first time in his career the third round of the US slam. Against an excellent Brouwer, Musetti is forced to pull off his best shots repertoiredemonstrating that to advance in these tournaments you must always give your own better. The Dutch he served with a very effective southpaw, with light shots from the baseline and a varied game under the net.

Il first set is definitely fought and goes up to tie break, won by Brouwer. The reaction of the Carrarese to the defeat of the first set, sees Musetti propose a faster and more continuous game, responding to a very precise serve from the opponent: he proves capable of not rushing the playing time and leverages his strengths. He quickly gets on 3-0 immediately removing the service to Brouwer, urging a remarkable pace. He closes with a heavy forehand in the center of the pitch. Musetti has a great record certainty on the first beatcon l’80% of balls to sign.

On the wave of Musetti’s enthusiasm and positive moment, in the third set he begins to put his opponent in difficulty, alternating the game and resisting well-placed shots. Reigns the absolute parity up to 4-4when the Carrarese pulls out two of his spells and earns himself three break points. Closes on 6-4.

In the last fraction he dominates the field and makes very few mistakes. At 5-2 it serves for the match and wins. It is the first time he has passed the second round a New Yorkafter he was beaten by last year Opelka. He will face the Belarusian Ivashka which eliminated in four sets Hurkacz (6-4, 4-6, 7-6, 6-3).

In the second round he could cross his compatriot Sinner who easily beat the American Eubanks (145) in tre set (6-4, 7-6, 6-2).

It took little to study the opponent South Tyroleanwho immediately took off in the first set, establishing himself for 4 consecutive games, while undergoing the return at the end of the first fraction. The first set ends on 6-4.

The second appears the most balanced and decisive: Sinner is forced to raise his level 3 to give his best. He does not let his guard down, despite the apparently lower level of the American. It is an intense and exciting set that reaches the tie breakclosed for 10-8 in favor of the Italian.

At the beginning of the third set, Jannik serves two incredible breaks that allow him to take a considerable advantage, which culminates in the victory for 6-2 that closes the meeting. Saturday will face Nakashima (69) which he eliminated Dimitrov (19). The two have never faced each other before.

In the Italian night, unfortunately, Fabio Fognini fails in the enterprise against the Majorcan Rafael Nadal. For an hour and a half she made us dream, taking home the first set for 6-2. In the second it seems more balanced, but then the four-time UsOpen champion (2010, 2013, 2017, 2019) comes out and turns the match upside down. Fognini comes out with your head held high from a great match between two veterans of modern tennis.

Rafa will face the French in the third round Gasket (91), who certainly does not have a positive record with the Spaniard (17 matches, all won by Nadal).


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