Serena Williams. “I remember Roland-Garros in 2015 because I almost died”.

In the twilight of her phenomenal career, during which she won 23 Grand Slam titles, Serena Williams, who is widely considered the greatest player in the history of tennis, summed up her feelings on Friday: “I am grateful to be Serena”. Interview.

Are you going to reconsider your decision to retire?

“I don’t think so, but you never know…”

When you play this well, is it easier to bow out?

“Yes, but at the same time it’s a bit more difficult. Every week I was playing better and better. If I had started again earlier, if I had played more matches, I would still be playing at a high level. But I only want to keep the positives of my career.”

What would it take to get you back in the tournament?

“I do not know. I do not think about it. But I’ve always liked Australia (where the next Grand Slam tournament will be played in January 2023, editor’s note). I’ve come a long way since Wimbledon last year. So I still don’t know if it was my last moment or not. It takes a lot of work to get there. And it is clear that I am still capable of it. But there are plenty of other things. I’m ready to be a mother, to explore another version of Serena. Technically, I’m still super young (she’ll be 41 on September 26). So I want to enjoy life while I can still walk.”

Athletes often don’t know what they are going to do the day after their last match. Do you know what you will be doing tomorrow?

“To begin with, I am resting! Then I will spend time with my daughter. I have been with her almost every day of her life. And my career was complicated to manage for her. So it will be nice to spend time with her and do things that we haven’t been able to do. My future is so bright. But tomorrow, for sure, I’m going to karaoke.”

What are you most proud of in your career?

“Roland-Garros 2015. It is without a doubt the title that I remember because I almost died (note: she had to fight against the flu throughout the tournament). I don’t know how I won. So it’s very beautiful.”

Do you think you will stay close to tennis in the future?

Tennis has held such a place in my life that I can’t imagine not staying involved in the sport. I don’t know how yet. But he brought me so much, I lived so many incredible moments thanks to tennis, that I don’t see my future without tennis. But how? I do not have the faintest idea…”

What would you like people to take away from you?

“There are so many things to remember me for… For example the fight. I am such a fighter. I think I bring and I brought something to tennis. These different looks, clenched fists, crazy intensity. The right word for all of this is passion. Going through the good times and the bad. I could go on and on… But in the end, I’m so grateful to have had this moment and to be Serena…”



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