Scandiano basketball, is the women’s B to open the 2022/23 season of the biancoblu club

Off to the 2022/23 season for Scandiano Basketball, which debuts in the women’s Serie B championship by hosting Friday 30 at 9.15 pm the Parma Basket Project at PalaRegnani. A race that marks the beginning of the Pozzi era on the bench, after the many years with Piatti at the helm, and where the biancoblu immediately want to get off to a good start: against the ducal team, last year, they won both at home (53-47 ) and away (73-81) during the first phase.

On Saturday at 21 Bologna away, instead, for the men’s C Silver: Emil Gas starts again from many well-known faces, above all coach Spaggiari, in addition to the additions of the various Canovi, Coslovi and Franzoni, which will allow the team to have greater depth in a long round and not without difficulties. The first obstacle responds to the name of Omega Basketwhich last year was beaten 81-43 on the home court (20 points each by Astolfi and Levinskis), and then made an encore in the regional capital with a much more suffered 68-64.


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