Ready the representatives for the regional and national finals of the 2022 Intercollegiate Games

Credits: Government of Caldas.

With judo competition culminated this Thursday in Manizales, the departmental final phase of the Intercollegiate Games, in individual sports of Caldas. 164 athletes will go to the National Regional in team sports, which will take place in Itagüi (Antioquia) in October.

The competitions took place in 19 individual sports BMX, road cycling, track cycling, chess, shuffleboard, judo, taekwondo, karate, fencing, skating, artistic gymnastics, athletics, boxing, weightlifting, table tennis, swimming, underwater activities, triathlon and field tennis; in addition to five team sports: basketball, soccer, indoor soccer, indoor soccer and volleyball.

Juan Pablo Echeverri, coordinator of the Intercollegiate Games in Caldas, took stock of the competition. “Of the 27 municipalities of the department, 26 participated in the male and female branches, in different disciplines. It is important to highlight that this year there was a massive participation since we had around 2,500 athletes in team sports and an estimated 700 athletes in individual sports”, he highlighted.

The next phase of the games is for team sports in the national regional that will take place in Itagüi (Antioquia) in October. Caldas will face athletes from Antioquia, Risaralda and Quindío. The department will travel to this phase with 170 people, 164 of them athletes, and the other mission chiefs, physiotherapists and support staff.

On November 1 it will be the turn for the national final of the jousts in Palmira (Valle), where the classifieds in team sports and the athletes in individual sports will participate according to the quotas established by the Ministry of Sports.

The Government of Caldas was in charge of the logistics and investment in the departmental competitions of the Games with the support of the Ministry of Sports, to the next phase the athletes will travel with all the guarantees, they will have uniformity and accompaniment of the delegation and the medicine team sporty.


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