Patrick Reed: “The treatment of the European Tour? It’s a slap”

“Four years after the Ryder Cup, you are back as a LIV player, a member of the 4 Aces and retired from the PGA Tour. A situation then unimaginable?
Four years ago, I would never have imagined that such a circuit would take place, with this desire to change everything in golf. The LIV has taken shape over the last two years, they have explained to me their purpose, their vision and it’s great to be part of it. From an individual point of view as with my 4 Aces team, I have fun, we win and I want it to continue. We offer a new alternative to tours like the PGA Tour. We want to grow golf and grow it at high speed. Personally, the LIV allows me to play less and spend more time with my family. And that will still be the case next year, even with 14 tournaments (instead of eight this year), which I should all play. If I add six or seven tournaments elsewhere than on the LIV, it will make me about 22 weeks, which is about nine less than in my previous seasons. When you have two small children, this is invaluable.


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