Paris-Versailles is making a comeback this Sunday

Running enthusiasts can smile. After two years of cancellation due to the health crisis, the famous Paris-Versailles pedestrian race, also called the Grande Classique, returns this Sunday for its 43rd edition.

Created in 1976, the Grande Classique traditionally takes place on the last Sunday of September. Between the start at the foot of the Eiffel Tower and the majestic finish opposite the Palace of Versailles, the race takes place over a demanding distance of 16.2 kilometers with, in particular, the famous Côte des Gardes de Meudon: 2.3 km with an average slope of 5.4%. No less than 25,000 runners prepare each year for this sporting event.

At the helm of the event following the death of his father Jean-Marc Fresnel due to Covid-19, Sylvain Fresnel is enthusiastic about the idea of ​​seeing the race resume: “It’s a satisfaction to do the full after two years of break. We are looking forward to seeing the aficionados of Paris – Versailles as well as all those who contribute to the organization, I am thinking in particular of the 1800 volunteers who will be working until Sunday evening. We’re just happy to bring the road racing community together at our event. »

The records for the event are held by Moroccans Mohamed El Hachimi (2009) with a time of 46′04′’ for men and Rkia El Moukim (2014) in 52′25′’ for women.


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