One Piece: Where are the worst Last Chance U: Basketball as the manga embarks on its final saga?

Worst Last Chance U: Basketball ever One Piece The series have regularly made headlines around the world, crossing the seas on their own adventures. Some have formed alliances with Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates, others have actively opposed the Straw Hats, and some haven’t even interacted with the protagonists yet and have remained somewhat in the shadows of the game. ‘story. As the final saga approaches and the race to find the One Piece heats up, the time for the worst Last Chance U: Basketball to make their ultimate move has come.

The eleven worst Last Chance U: Basketball hackers have been introduced to One Piece before the time skip, during the Sabaody Archipelago arc, and since their introduction, many of them have been a driving force in the story. Some Super Rookies have been bigger story factors than others, but the majority of them have had the opportunity to shine in the story. Now this stretch of Laugh Tale is being prepared for the epic conclusion of One Piecethe fate of the Super Rookies remains a mystery, and whether they played a major role in the climax is actively theorized by fans.

The winners of Wano

First: Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Eustass Kid, and Killer have completed their raid on Onigashima and prepared to sail in three separate directions to avoid crossing each other. It’s safe to say that Luffy and Zoro will be the focus of the continuing story, traveling with the rest of the Straw Hats to the Southeast, after losing at Straw to Kid. There’s cautious optimism as they head to the island of Elbaf, but one thing is certain – Luffy and Zoro are sure to be the top contenders for One Piece on the final island.

With Law sailing northeast and Kid and Killer taking the easternmost route, it’s unlikely that either of their crews will make an appearance in the next arc. Law has been with the Straw Hats since Punk Hazard and needs to resume his own adventure, while Kid would be a hindrance to the Straw Hats’ journey if they cross paths so soon after their split. There is an opportunity for both Super Rookies to return in the series finale battle, but where they line up in support or opposition to the Straw Hats has yet to be made clear. Of all the Super Rookies, Luffy, Law, and Kid showed the most interest in finding the One Piece and becoming Pirate King or learning the history of the world on the final island, creating a likely conflict.

Marines and defectors

During the Wano arc, it was revealed that Windfall Drake was actually an agent of SWORD, a secret Navy organization, spying on Kaidou as a member of the Day Shift Pirates. Luckily for Drake, the conflict over Wano was not broadcast across the world, as Marineford kept his true Marine identity a secret, with only CP0 finding out and Basil Hawkins assuming the fact. Although he was seriously injured in the raid, it is likely that he will return to sea and pursue his goal as a double agent, serving in SWORD. However, he has shown an honorable side to his nature and with the growing division of the justice perspective within the ranks of the Navy, Drake’s perspective fits more with characters like Smoker, Sengoku and Koby, who could end up by opposing the righteous indignation of Akainu. .

Similar to Drake, Hawkins was seriously injured during his fight with Killer and even predicted his own demise at the end of the battle. He was last seen explaining his decisions to stay with Kaidou to Drake and ended up breaking down. While it’s not impossible for Hawkins to have died in disgust and betrayal, other characters have suffered far greater feats of presumed death, such as Pell or Pound, and returned to the story. If he survives, it’s likely he’ll follow the same route as Scratchmen Apoo and return to the sea as a pirate captain once more. Although Apoo was able to use his cunning ways to escape the battle and relay information to the world about the events that transpired. Unfortunately for Hawkins, he lacked the cowardice described by Apoo and suffered from it.

The past flames and the forgotten ones

Valley Girl Bege landed a starring role in the All Stumptown Arc, fighting alongside Luffy against the Yonko, Big Mom, and living to tell the tale. One would assume that with a family now in his care on his ship, Bege would consider the possibility of settling down and enjoying the life of a husband and father. Given Bege’s ruthless and gluttonous nature, that’s unlikely to be the case. Bege orchestrated a plot to assassinate a Yonko and narrowly escaped the blunder — yet his journey isn’t over yet. His alliance with Luffy may have been a convenience, but if a final war did break out in the final stretch of Laugh Tale, Bege would never miss the chance to insert himself to gain whatever glory or treasure he can before the end. end of the battle. As a father, he has to provide, after all.

Jewelry Bonney has the most mysterious history that has not been explored much yet. She was last seen infiltrating Mary Geoise and witnessing the gruesome treatment of Bartholomew Kuma, a connection the reader was not yet aware of. As new developments regarding Sabo’s confrontation with the Admirals and Kuma’s rescue have come to light, it opens up the possibility that Bonney may have a hand in the scheme. As the Revolutionary Army has a big role to play in the story, there’s a good chance that Bonney will have a connection with the Revolutionaries and make an appearance in Sabo’s spiraling story, and reconnect with the Straw Hats. as a world and revolutionary government. The army reaches its final clash: artifacts of chaos.

However, there is one Super Rookie who had even less of an impact on history than Bonney – Urouge. The Mad Monk spent some time recuperating in the Sky Islands after his fight against Cracker and the Big Mom Pirates, and as far as anyone knows, he’s still casually relaxing. It would be a tragic shame if the Super Rookie with the lowest bounty and panel time didn’t make another appearance before the story’s conclusion, but his lack of connection to the rest of the story makes his placement difficult and should he appear in the final battle for the One Piece without foreshadowing, it would feel forced. One can only hope it will appear in the hope of Elbaf, or perhaps a side island story, with the Straw Hats to provide some kind of arc to its development, but with so many characters desperately in need of development, his chances seem pretty slim.

Black beard

Last and most dangerous to the progression of the Straw Hat Crew is one of the Yonko, alongside the newly named Luffy, Marshall D. Teach. It is sometimes forgotten that he was among the worst Last Chance U: Basketball, which rose to fame far above its counterparts due to its actions during the War of the Best. Blackbeard was heralded as a major antagonist in the story and possibly even the final enemy Luffy must defeat before he can claim the title of Pirate King. He was last seen preparing to set sail to claim something mysterious before the marines could acquire it. Needless to say, Blackbeard is moving out to sea and preparing for his own plan to ascend to the crown of the Pirate King.

The Super Rookies have been a mix of character development, with some being offered serious, ongoing story placements while others have fallen by the wayside. It would be a sight to behold to see all the worst Last Chance U: Basketball in the final journey to One Piece, all striving to reach the end, but as some of their arcs progressed, it became apparent that some have little interest in becoming the Pirate King. While it’s been fun to learn more about their personalities, abilities, and dreams, there’s still time for more development. Especially for poor Urouge.


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