Murray angry on the pitch, calm outside


Andy Murray is emotional on the tennis court. Photo: Caroline Blumberg

(Photo: dpa)

In interviews, Murray seems calm and almost bored, he lets his frustration run free on the pitch and usually looks at his entourage in the stands – as again at the French Open, where Murray is scheduled to play against Frenchman Richard Gasquet in the quarterfinals on Tuesday .

In the box of the second in the world rankings, however, Amélie Mauresmo is no longer sitting in Paris. Murray hired the former Wimbledon and Australian Open winner two years ago. The fact that a world-class player was coached by a woman caused a sensation and a lot of media hype. The breakup was no different. One possible reason was Murray’s rants towards his team. The media quickly suspected that Mauresmo no longer wanted to accept that.

“Andy is a complex person. On the pitch he can be the opposite of what he is in life,” said Mauresmo in an interview published before the tournament started. The Wimbledon and US Open winner can listen and analyze well, is curious and willing to learn. The conclusion of the former number one: “That’s what makes great champions.”

The abuse is mostly directed at himself and serves as an outlet in the face of pressure, Murray told the sports newspaper “L’Equipe”. Some said he should let his emotions out, that’s good. Others advised him the opposite. He gets frustrated quickly when he loses and gives free rein to his emotions when he wins. “Is that me? Is this the situation? Is it the influences?” Murray wondered about his emotions. “It’s shown to have been there since I was eleven or twelve.”

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Mauresmo felt there was nothing he could do better. The end of the collaboration was inevitable. “Everyone was able to see certain things,” said France’s Fed Cup team boss, causing speculation. After the birth of her first child last August, the 36-year-old took a six-month break, missed the Australian Open and didn’t want to be at the tournament in Miami in March. Mauresmo admitted she was unable to help Murray through a difficult period.

In Paris, the 29-year-old rejected the assumption of a bad separation. “That’s just not true,” Murray pointed out. A conversation at the tournament in Madrid a few weeks ago was very calm, not heated. Anyone who claims that is lying. The end of the collaboration also has nothing to do with his behavior on the pitch. But of course it was discussed. But in the end, tennis world traveler Murray named the very little time spent together as the reason for his decision.

After all, the results were right: In Madrid, Murray only lost in the final against world number one Novak Djokovic, a week later in Rome he managed to take revenge against the Serbs in the final. In Paris he had to go over five sets in the first two rounds, after which he eliminated the service giants Ivo Karlovic and John Isner relatively easily – of course not silently.


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