Martina Franca. A September dedicated to JUDO


Press conference of the initiatives Friday 2 September, 12.00, Palawojtyla

In the frame of Palazzetto dello Sport in Martina Franca, Friday 2 September, at 12.00 the initiative “A month long event” which will involve judokas from all over Italy will be presented.

On the same day and also on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th September PalaWojtyla will host the International Judo Stage organized by Union Bari, Fijilkam-, the ASD Gym and Uisp Sport for all and with the support of the Puglia Region and the Municipality of Martina Franca.

These are training sessions aimed at athletes and technicians belonging to the Italian companies affiliated with Fijlkam Judo Sector and to EPS affiliated with Fijlkam-Coni from all over Italy.

The masters will hold the meetings Sugol Uarte (Spain), vice world champion and semi-finalist at the London 2012 Olympics, Denid Viera (Moldova), champion of Europe, multiple medal at the World Championships, Rosalba Forciniti (Italy) vice champion of Europe 2010 and Olympic medal at the London 2012 Olympics e Francesco Faraldo (Italy), member of the Italian Judo National Team, GS Fiamme Azzurre technician and Pluricampione d’Italia.

A unique experience with outstanding masters – declared the regional President of Fijilkam – Italian Federation of Judo Fight Karate Arts Marzia, Nicola Rinaldi -. With these three days we are preparing for the Trophy Italy Judo Esordienti B – Mister Judo 2022 XXVIII which will take place on 17 and 18 September

The event, in fact, is part of the “a month long event” which will see Judo and, more generally, sport, be the protagonist in Martina Franca for the whole month of September through the Italy Judo Trophy – Esordienti B – Mister Judo 2022 XXVIII edition, events for the dissemination of sporting practice and promotion of sporting activity through a month of open day in the Polisportiva Arci Marci and Palestra ASD facilities.

For all the info

[Fonte ASC Martina Franca; foto di Bizzari da Pixabay]


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