Laporte-Altrad trial: firm prison required against the boss of French rugby and the president of Montpellier

On the eighth day of the correctional trial which is shaking French rugby, the magistrates of the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) delivered their requisitions. This Tuesday, September 20, in a courtroom that has never been so full since the start of the trial on September 7, prosecutors Céline Guillet and François-Xavier Dulin embarked on a long indictment against the five defendants. At the heart of the affair, the image contract linking in February 2017 Bernard Laporte, president of the French Rugby Federation, to the company of Mohed Altrad, billionaire and president of the Montpellier Hérault Rugby Club, and the multiple interventions then of the first in favor of the second.

Laporte and Altrad are being prosecuted for influence peddling, corruption, illegal taking of interests and abuse of corporate assets. Serge Simon, vice-president of the FFR, appeared for him, for illegal taking of interests. In another part of the case, Claude Atcher, general manager of GIP France 2023 (laid off for his managerial practices) is implicated for breach of trust, abuse of social property and concealed work and Benoît Rover, manager of the company Score XV of Claude Atcher, for complicity in misuse of corporate assets and concealment of breach of trust.

Requisitions described as “particularly heavy”

In these cases, the PNF magistrates delivered the following requisitions, described as “particularly heavy”, by François-Xavier Dulin himself, but according to the prosecutor “to the extent of the complete absence of questioning of the defendants, the duration and gravity of the offences”:

  • Versus Bernard Laporte, the prosecutors are demanding 3 years in prison, 2 of which are suspended, a fine of 50,000 euros, a 2-year ban on managing a commercial company, a 2-year ban on exercising any function, even voluntarily, in connection with rugby. All accompanied by the provisional execution “for immediate application”.
  • Versus Mohed Altradthey asked for the same sentences: 3 years in prison, 2 of which were suspended, but a heavier fine: 200,000 euros, and also a 2-year ban on managing a commercial company, a 2-year ban on exercising any function , even on a voluntary basis, in connection with rugby.
  • Versus Serge Simonwas required one year of imprisonment including six months suspended, 10,000 euros fine, and for one year, the prohibition of any function even voluntary in connection with rugby, all with also the provisional execution.
  • Prosecutors requested, against Claude Atchertwo years’ imprisonment, one of which is suspended, a fine of 50,000 euros, a 3-year ban on managing any commercial activity, and a one-year ban on any function, even voluntarily, in connection with the world of rugby.
  • Finally, towards Benedict Roverthe prosecution requested one year’s imprisonment, six months of which was suspended, and a 3-year ban on managing a commercial company, and a one-year ban on any function, even voluntarily, in connection with the world of rugby.

The trial is due to end this Wednesday, from 9:30 a.m., with the pleadings of the defense lawyers of the five defendants.


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