Judo. Guillaume Chaine, an Olympic champion at home in Grenoble

Time does not seem to have a hold on the memories of Guillaume Chaine (35) at the GUC. Arrived at the age of nine in Isère, the Olympic champion always feels at home when he returns to Grenoble. “I spent ten years here, and I still have a lot of memories. I owe a lot to this club, it was he who brought me to the highest level, ”recalls the native of Colombes.

It was at the foot of the Alps that the young man won his first medals, including a title of champion of France. Pride of the GUC, he does not forget where he comes from and tries to give back a little of what he has been given whenever he has the opportunity. “It was important to me to share time with young people but also those not so young. It is a real pleasure to see…


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