Juan Carlos considers that the start of Liga del Girona has been “acceptable”

A good number of days have already passed since Girona played their last League game, at Betis’ ground. The stoppage due to international commitments meant that the team did not compete on the last weekend and that it will not start again until this Sunday, when it will receive Real Sociedad in Montilivi. The goalkeeper of the first team, Juan Carlos Martín, has had his say on all this and more. He spoke of an “acceptable” start to the season, of the healthy competition with Toni Fuidias and Paulo Gazzaniga, and of what it means to him to be a few days without playing a game in a team like the white-and-red.

Balance of the beginning of the course

“I see it well in the team. It is not always easy to change categories. with the base of last year and the new people who have come, we are getting a good start to the season, taking advantage of the inertia and the good things that he already has the team. The stoppage has served us to continue working and improving, we hope that everything will continue just as well.”

Personal situation in the summer

“No one spoke to me, I had a contract. It is understood that they counted on me. From the first day I have come with the same enthusiasm and desire as always to try to add, to continue to lend a hand in this project as beautiful”.

Strong competition

“This is professional football, there is always competition in all squads. There are always at least two goalkeepers. The day-to-day relationship is good with Paulo (Gazzaniga) and Toni (Fuidias), we work hard and help each other. The decision of who plays is up to the coach. As the one who has been here the longest, I have tried to help them, I see that they adapt, that they add up for the good of the group.”

What needs to be improved in defense?

“It’s a question of everyone. Scoring the goals and also defending. We are a team and we all depend on everyone. We must continue to work in the same line that the coach sets for us, be solid, minimize those mistakes that condemn, especially in a category as is the First Division. We’re a team with a pretty brave proposition, that means you take some risks. We’re capable of doing it but being aware of what it can mean. We have to minimize mistakes.”

Reaching the stoppage of the World Cup

“In the end the most important thing is to keep adding up, winning games little by little. We had an acceptable start to the season, considering that we have just been promoted. I think the goal is to reach the end of the season in a good position. This wants to say that we have to keep adding on. Catching the stoppage for the World Cup in the best possible way would be ideal. But we’re only focusing on the weekend game, which is Real’s. That’s what I think we all have to think together.”

The next opponent: Real Sociedad

“We come to the match with a desire. It is true that we all like to have continuity and compete, and now there has been a week that the non-internationals have not been able to do that, to compete. We are aware that Real Sociedad is a very compensated, with very quality players, who has been doing a great job for quite a few years, it’s not an overnight success. They are on a regular basis. We know it will be very difficult, they are brave and bold and it is a rival that you dominates at times. We must focus on us, and minimize its virtues, which are many. Take advantage of the warmth of the people of Montilivi, who are helping us so far.”

Stopping the competition

“You can take it the way you want. But, at the end of the day, it’s something that doesn’t depend on us. In my case, I take it well. I like the day to day, I like training. It’s clear that we want to compete, always knowing that there are other competitions as well. I think it’s been good for us to stop. In the last stretch of the market, a lot of new players have come, and it’s been good for the master to have more days of leeway to work on some concepts that those of us who have been here longer have already assumed. At this point it has been good for us. We don’t have to give it too much thought, it’s not up to us.”


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