Ivory Coast–AIP/The President of the Sassandra Basketball Club is satisfied with the results of his team

Sassandra, Sep 05, 2022 (AIP)-The Sassandra Basketball Club (CBS) has achieved convincing results after 20 months of existence, its president Jean Baptiste Kouamé Kouamé announced on Saturday September 03, 2022.

Mr. Kouamé took stock of the activities of the CBS on the sidelines of the internal basketball tournament bringing together players of all categories divided into two groups, namely, seniors and juniors on the one hand and cadets and minors on the other. go.

He said that since its inception, the club has managed to mobilize 45 young people from the cadet and junior categories, whose ages vary between 10 and 18 years old, who have fully adopted the practice of basketball. They continue their apprenticeship at the CBS youth training center created in January 2021.

Mr. Kouamé is pleased that the CBS is producing regional athletes who will be able to evolve at the national and international level. As proof, he pointed out, three of these 14-year-olds were selected for the regional basketball league team, which brings together players from all over Bas-Sassandra.

The players of the young basketball club have already participated in two tournaments in San Pedro and Yamoussoukro. The club also organized a tournament in Sassandra in which teams from San Pedro took part.

The president is pleased with the efforts made by the members of the CBS who have managed to acquire balls, jerseys and to redevelop a space conceded by hotel into a basketball court.

“Our greatest pride is that we have succeeded in providing the city of Sassandra with a basketball team, the first to my knowledge. We hope that people of good will will come to our support”, concluded Mr. Kouamé.




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