I’ll explain the crisis. The truth about Lukaku, Skriniar, the change- Corriere.it

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The Nerazzurri coach talks about the difficult moment to the Gazzetta dello Sport. Inter, he claims, will change gear after the break. Perisic’s farewell, Lukaku’s difficult insertion …

The truth of Inzaghi
. Inter turn the page after Udine and try to understand what doesn’t work, where they can grow. Simone vented on the phone with his brother Pippo, first in the league table in Serie B with Reggina. Then he told his version of events to him Gazzetta dello Sport. Starting from the objectives: Inzaghi angry for the negative results, for the mistakes made. There is a desire to reverse course, a necessity: after the break, Inter will change gear and get back in line with their seasonal objectives, fight to win the championship and be competitive in the Champions League.

The absence of Perisic

In the chat with GB Olivero, the Inter coach talks about the absence of Perisic, left in the summer. A farewell that weighs beyond the difficulties of Gosens. Perisic, according to Inzaghi, was more of a wing winger. For the Nerazzurri he was like a game builder, an inventor, a playmaker who moved in the lane. Anyone who plays in his place cannot guarantee the contribution given by the Croatian.

Lukaku to be reinserted

He Lukaku: Inzaghi had to put him back in the team, changing the game set last year on Dzeko. To put Romelu at ease, explains Simone, we need to mediate between Conte’s Inter (with the Belgian who was the fulcrum of the attack) and last year’s, but it takes time, patience and work. And Lukaku’s injury stopped the trial. In practice, Inter lost Perisic without entering Lukaku yet. Not an alibi, Inzaghi does not seek one, but the finding of a difficulty. The disrupted Skriniar himself has yet to reset his expendable summer. Some of Inzaghi’s moves have been criticized internally (such as the changes, which for Udine were mainly used to shake up the team that was leaving the game in the hands of the opponents), but the CEO. Marotta aware of the difficulties in which Simone found himself working.

The group with the technician

There has been much talk of a disunited group, far from the coach. Inzaghi doesn’t think so.The team follows him

, the locker room rows in the same direction. If not, the technician confesses to Journal, Simone would not mind hanging someone on the Appiano wall as happened years ago at Lazio. But the coach warns that everyone on the pitch tries to solve things on their own and does not rely on teammates to overcome difficulties. So Inter seems disconnected and, as a consequence, yellow cards and corner kicks for the opponents arrive. above all a mental problem: there is a bit of anxiety and the frenzy generates further complications. To get out of the crisis, according to Inzaghi, we need to think as a group.

Route change

At the resumption after the break for the national teams, Inzaghi will speak to the team: the coach does not download anyone, he feels the first to be responsible for the Inter problems. But demands an immediate change of course from everyone. We need results and awareness of the value of a group that has an important path behind it. A team that played so well last year cannot be gone. He just lost his way. Now Inter must find it.

September 20, 2022 (change September 20, 2022 | 11:34)


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