Gunpowder fails Marino (0-0)

A very good game by Marino on the opening day of the championship against an inferior Burgos Promises team that was saved from a more than deserved defeat. The Asturians were superior almost always, but especially in the second half, although they had the best chances in the first.

Without hardly any trouble during the ninety minutes, they just lacked a little more mordant up front to translate their dominance into goals. Marino de Luanco, who was wearing a completely red kit for the first time and an offensive 4-3-3 game scheme, jumped into the Ciudad Deportiva de Castañares very brave and upright. Thus, he quickly managed to triangulate on the left wing, generating a lot of danger on that side. The local coach Carlos Aguilera’s eleven looked very uncomfortable, but at the edge of the quarter hour the locals stretched with a great Dani Burgos shot that went very close to Buru’s post and everything was much more even.

A little later the local side Hervás won the band and took out a great center where the ball was dead to Hassan, who did not finish clean. A very clear one that was quickly forgotten because a minute later a long ball from the Asturians was controlled by Julio Delgado, who cut and shot the crossbar.

In the last quarter of an hour, after another arrival of an active Julio Delgado, Burgos Promesas would take greater precautions and temporized a lot with the ball, something that Marino did not mind. Thus, in the final stretch, Manel Menéndez’s team won in consistency and the best chances were also theirs, as Cárcaba was about to score in a rebound.

After passing through the changing rooms, Luanquín as a whole pressed again, charging the game on the wings, with the Delgado-Nuño duo doing damage, and managing to get two yellow cards from their rival in just five minutes.

The people of Burgos were in trouble again and could only stretch from a set piece, as Marino was increasingly in command in terms of possession. Once the hour of play was over, both coaches moved their benches, but the dynamics remained similar and the Asturians accumulated a lot of touch and approaches to the local area.

The goal was missing and Burgos played more and more comfortable defensively. Manel bet heavily on victory and brought in Fequir, changing his scheme, something that was quickly noticed as Cárcaba was close to scoring. El Marino turned in pursuit of the three points, but he lacked clarity and calm in the last pass. In the discount Nino hung a great ball that neither Fagir nor Cárcaba reached by millimeters.

Manel, Marino’s coach: “The tie is a fair result”

Manel, coach of Marino de Luanco, said after his team’s draw in Burgos that “we went out for more, but the rival also plays. The attitude was very good and because they wanted to go for the game, they gave us a chance.” The Asturian coach said that he was surprised by the staging of Burgos Promesas and assured that “the tie was a fair result, now we have to make the point good by winning at home”.


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