FIBA announces that two gross mistakes were made in the Eurobasket main tournament

FIBA decided that all three match referees and the match commissioner will no longer participate in this championship.

The second error was a timing error during the Turkey-Georgia game. After the analysis of the video recordings carried out by experts, it was concluded that although the referees had stopped the game clock, the special device on the back of the referee’s uniform was accidentally activated by one of the players when the referee tried to separate the players during the collision.

FIBA also reports that the selection of referees for the decisive phase of the tournament, which starts on Saturday, has been completed. 20 of the 44 referees have been selected to officiate the matches in Berlin.

These referees have a total of 36 European Championship final tournaments, as well as 12 World Cup and 12 Olympic Games refereeing experience.

The teams of groups A and B, as well as the best teams of groups C and D, will meet in the round of 16.

This is the fourth time that the European Men’s Finals have been played in four different countries.

The European Championship takes place from September 1 to 18.

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