Draymond Green dragged a serious back problem

Before winning another NBA championship title, Draymond Green had an eventful 2021-2022 financial year. During the regular season, the inside of the Golden State Warriors only played 46 games.

Absent for several weeks, the 32-year-old was overtaken by physical problems. And obviously, his worries were very serious! Touched on the back, Green did his best to avoid the operation and thus not to give up on this exercise.

“I had a herniation on the L5 and S1 vertebrae. As soon as it flared up it affected my sciatic nerve. I wasn’t on the bench and I didn’t travel with the team or anything. either for two months. Because I couldn’t sit down. I was either standing up or lying down.

Until this injury, I had never noticed how bad my posture was. For eight weeks, I did nothing but build muscle in the weight room. Throughout my rehabilitation, I let my calf heal, but I also rebuilt its strength.

I literally lost all strength in my calf. So I couldn’t jump at all. Six weeks ago I couldn’t run… For probably four and a half or five weeks I couldn’t run,” even let it be known Draymond Green pour le podcast Checc’n In.

Now considering themselves in “best form” of his career, Draymond Green hopes to be able to take advantage of it to prolong his career in the long term.

Le speech vibrant de Draymond Green au camp Rico Hines


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