Cycling: La Vuelta prepares two stages in Navarra for 2023

Roglic leads the group at the Lekunberri finish line in the second stage corresponding to the 2020 Vuelta that ended in Lekunberri. / efe

Lekunberri and Belagua will host two arrivals of the race

Iñaki Left

The Tour of Spain will have two stages in Navarra next year. In the absence of closing the last economic details, Lekunberri and Belagua will host two arrivals of the race, as reported by Diario de Navarra.

The Lekunberri stage will be the same as the one that in 2020 linked Pamplona with the town of the Larraun Valley, with the climb to San Miguel de Aralar via Uharte included. The organization, as it has done this year with Irun, wants to recognize Lekunberri for the effort it made then to host the race in the midst of a pandemic.

The other Navarran stage will start north of the Pyrenees and will ascend Larrau, a colossus of 15 kilometers of ascent with an 8% slope. On its ramps, Indurain lost all hope of winning his sixth Tour in 1996. From there, the stage will descend to Otsagabia to reach Isaba via the Laza pass and undertake the final ascent to Belagua. The finish line will be at the Roncalia cross-country ski resort, already tested this year in the amateur Vuelta a Navarra.

Next year the Tour will leave Euskadi. Irun has requested a Vuelta goal, although it would not necessarily have to be in 2023.


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