Colombia would be the 17th team in the world: with what standard do they measure in FIFA? | Colombia selection

From the creators that Colombia was (or still is, one no longer knows) the fifth best league in the world, or from the same ones that put the team in the top 10 of the FIFA ranking a few years ago, they put the national team back which is just beginning its cycle with the command of Néstor Lorenzo in a more than privileged area, and as if that were not enough, the big question that appears and keeps those who are in charge of said list in suspense, is, what merits did Reinaldo Rueda and Lorenzo to position himself in the top 20?

And it is that, it seems completely unthinkable that a Colombian National Team that will not go to the World Cup after two World Cup events without fail, occupies a privileged position as box number 17. That is, with what standard do they measure the promotions or descents of national teams? Well, if we take the case of the Colombians with Reinaldo Rueda as technical director, we would talk about a team full of doubts, especially in their offensive zone. And this is where a new question arises. A country that had a huge deficit to score goals, and in seven continuous commitments forgot to score, it is curious that in the face of so much scarcity, they remain in high positions on said FIFA list.

Of course, and it is that, there is still nothing certain that Colombia will be seventeenth in the FIFA ranking in October. Everything is mere assumption according to the publication that the statistics expert, Mister Chip, uploaded on his Twitter account where Néstor Lorenzo’s team appeared in the top 20. As is characteristic, they dominate countries that did qualify for the World Cup.

In fact, beyond the position, it generates even more curiosity than Colombia, with that Qualifier of five wins, eight draws and five losses, in addition to 20 goals scored and 19 conceded, which are worse records than the four teams that qualified, managed to appear in a luxury area for a team that will watch the World Cup on television. And it is that, this is not thanks to Néstor Lorenzo who barely won two friendlies, it would be all the task of Reinaldo Rueda who rode in the Conmebol qualifiers.

As if that were not enough, it generates even more curiosity that a Colombian National Team, which was thrashed by Ecuador 6-1 starting the Qualifiers, appears in box number 17, while Ecuador, led by Gustavo Alfaro, who amazed South America and qualified the orbital appointment does not even appear in the top 20 or 30, in fact, it will occupy position 44 with 1464 points, almost 200 less than the coffee growers.

In addition, if the FIFA ladder has changes in October due to what was done in the friendly dates, the fact that for two simple friendlies, against teams that do not have as much recognition in the world, Colombia manages to ascend. By beating Guatemala 4-1 and Mexico 3-2, he would reach 1,611 points. And the recognitions do not stop, because as if that were not enough, Colombia is the second best team taking into account those that do not go to the World Cup after Italy, which is sixth with 1,726 units.

It remains to be seen to what extent they take into account the results of the teams, and with what standard they put together that ranking in which a South American team that does not go to the World Cup appears in the top 20. The coffee growers are the fourth South Americans in interfering among the first twenty nations that lead the FIFA ladder.


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