Coahuila archers would go to the Pan American Championship.

The testing process of the Mexican National Archery Pre-Selection concluded, which took place at the National Center for High Performance (CNAR) in Mexico City. The Coahuilenses Jesús Flores Alanís and Ana Paula Vázquez had a good participation and practically secured their place in the final list of the tricolor team.

The pride of Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila, Ana Paula Vázquez reaffirmed her status as one of the best goalkeepers in the world, this time she did it by measuring herself against her best compatriots and came out ahead as one of the candidates for the final list in each of the tests.


On the other hand, Jesús Flores Alanís is still in the process of consecration, his name is increasingly common in the lists of the Mexican National Team, going from being a promise to a reality in the specialty. Both Jesús and Ana sought classification in the recurve archery modality.

The Mexican Women’s National Team would be made up of Alejandra Valencia, Aida Román, Paulina Garza and the northerner Ana Paula Vázquez, while the men’s team would be made up of Emilio Treviño, Matías Grande, Ángel Alvarado and Jesús Flores Alanís. Mexican archery teams will be competing in the Pan American Archery Championship, which will be held in Santiago, Chile, from November 21 to 27.


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